In 2019, FK & Partner was contacted for building water treatment plant. The project was a sulphate removal unit to produce 9,000 CMD and was constructed in 90 days. Only to meet client urgent demand. During the construction stage, FK & Partner faced many challenges, such as obtaining long-lead items and building the entire system in 90 days, design the plant to operate and maintain production with variable inlet pressure, the brine (reject) is to be returned to pressurized (20 bar) system, product is to be delivered to pressurized (15 bar system, limitation in space (client site), the plant to be designed to out-stand the 50 bar surge pressure, high salinity seawater (TDS>50,000 ppm), and finally uncertainty in feed water quality. The Construction took a place in our partner’s factory (H2O Tech Factory) in Dammam 3rd Industrial City with the supervision of our affiliate engineering office, Innovative Engineering Consulting Office.